Thursday, December 9, 2010

Globalization in Interior Design

Globalization is a term used to refer to the expansion of economies beyond national borders, in particular, the expansion of production by a firm to many countries around the world.  This relates to the interior design field in many ways.

One way, in which a firm could be in charge of designing a space halfway across the world. This in most ways is a benefit, learning of new locations, new job opportunities and best of all being able to showcase strengths anywhere.

With the effect of globalization, the culture and style of areas around the world are mixing with each other. Taking for instance, the fact that Western Europe is looking for different themes from various cultures. Apart from the oriental elements they are focusing on "African ethno elements" in terms of colours, materials and forms that are popular.

Journalist Mary Gilliatt , author of 48 books, offers insights on the feature of design trend influencing manufactures and suppliers.

Contributions of Global Interior Design Trends 

* Universal Excellence: Today the design trend has led to achieve universal excellence. Led by United State of America in so may things, followed by Italy, Japan and sometimes UK. More appealing designs have emerged from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc.
* Diversity: Growth of communication and overseas sourcing has allowed blending the east and the west. It has created diversity in the use of furniture, fabric and accessories.
* Setting High Standards: The diversity in the interior designs available today has led to extensive competition. This competition has, therefore, set a trend to produce good quality work. This has high standards for both designers and the consumer.
* Multiple Use: Globalization of designs has let many designers use material to the optimal level. The same material can be discovered in one country and can be utilized in the different way in a different country.
* Green design: "Green Design" does not mean the "colour green". It means designing eco friendly interiors. Today global climate change has become a key issue. Thus, designers have taken the responsibility to cut down the affect on environment. With the choice of material, energy used and packaging an interior designer can contribute to save the planet. It can be as simple as using low energy bulbs.
* Recycle: Today worldwide recycling is a major consideration. Interior designing has a lot to contribute in it. The priority is given to donate old furniture or home accessories to charitable organization rather than piling them up. Also, focus is on re-using the old products differently and innovatively.

Globally, future of interiors is clear; green design, softer earth tones mixed with bright but warm colors, and rooms that serve more than one use. But the change towards green issues has not taken away our passion for glamour, a touch of shine and innovation, will produce some breathtaking designs that will stand the test of time.